Hannah only rhymes with hammer.

12 Sep

…That’s a lie. It doesn’t really rhyme with hammer at all. Maybe I’m trying to say I’m unique, who knows?

I’m Hannah. I live in London. I used to live in the countryside, but the dream has always been London and somehow I managed to get here. About a year ago I was stuck in a low paying job which I disliked, based in my little countryside home town and I was bored. So I decided to change things. I handed in my notice, went travelling, came back and got a job in social media marketing in London – and shortly after that I moved here.
Anyway, that’s about as much background as you need. Perhaps a photo?

This blog is about my passions. I love finding new places to eat and drink in London (I work in Soho so there’s always something new popping up). I LOVE travelling and finding hidden gems in cities you’d think have been totally uncovered by the tourists. I adore music; I’d say this, along with the travelling, is my main passion. Can’t go a day without music. And love – currently single (maybe ‘it’s complicated’? No, I’m single. Apparently.) – love is tricky, so expect a rant or two about the London dating scene and gender politics. I also love fashion but not your ‘what’s the latest trend OMG a catwalk’ kind of fashion so I’ll just smush that in amongst my other ramblings…

The only other stuff you really need to know about me is that I dye my hair red because I love bright colours and I feel it suits my personality. I like doing things spur of the moment but often get frustrated when things don’t go to plan. I like bargain hunting. Mis-matching clothes are a trademark as is my black winged eyeliner. I love to read and watch films; although I used to have more time and money to spend on this I’m trying to get back into it. I like visiting supermarkets in the middle of the night and driving my car around the countryside when it’s sunny, windows down, music blaring.


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